A AloTrip tem ofertas fantásticas de voos por todo o mundo. Ao fornecermos comparações online entre centenas de voos, nós estamos aqui para assegurar que obtém a melhor oferta para o seu voo.
Através da integração do motor de reserva inteligente, a AloTrip torna o mundo mais pequeno para si. Nós oferecemos-lhe uma ferramenta de pesquisa flexível para explorar os preços das passagens aéreas e obter as melhores ofertas. Está a planear a sua viagem com muita antecedência ou simplesmente pretende ir espontaneamente para qualquer lugar? O nosso sistema irá colocá-lo diretamente em contacto com centenas de companhias aéreas para reservar imediatamente o seu lugar. Mostramos sempre o preço total que esperamos que pague. Todas as taxas e tarifas estão incluídas, sem taxas ocultas.
Pode selecionar um voo de forma muito fácil no nosso Web site ou através de Aplicação Móvel. Deixe-nos ser a sua companhia!
AloTrip offers amazing deals on flights around the world. By providing online comparisons for hundreds of flights, we are here to make sure you are getting the best deal on your flight.
By integrating smart booking engine, AloTrip brings the world closer to you. We give you a flexible search tool to browse air ticket's prices and get the best deals. Are you planning your trip far in advance or just want to go somewhere spontaneously? Just use our search engine to find the best prices. With our smart interface, you can explore at a glance all the cheapest destinations and possibilities to travel at any chosen time. Our system will connect you directly with the hundreds of airlines to reserve your seat immediately. We always show the full price we expect you to pay. All taxes and fares are included, no hidden charges.
AloTrip also provides 2 million hotel with competitive price all over the word. No matter where you go, what you do, we offer room to fit your need.
In addition, we sell tour, travel insurance, visa, car rental and travel SIM & WIFI kit to travel around the world. Let call or email us to be served.
Moreover, we open AloCafe – a symbiotic utility sponsored by AloTrip to serve free coffee and other drinks for all the customers. You just need to download AloTrip App, log in and enjoy.
Literally, we know everything about travel. You can select any travel service on our website or through the Mobile App. Let us be your companion!